A murmuration is a collection of starlings that come together for a spontaneous 'dance' in the sky. So far, I've not been lucky enough to see one in person, but videos and photos of this phenomenon abound online (thank you, interwebs).
They are mesmerizing, transcendent, beautiful.
There are a number of scientific theories as to how starlings are able to come together to create this dance, and why they do it.
One theory as to why posits that starlings create a murmuration in response to a predator's incursion, and in the video below, you can see a falcon or hawk at the outer edge of the flock.
Imagine if we as a species had a similar fear response. What would our lives be like if we came together in a spontaneous, collective 'dance' to drive away that which threatens us?
It would be a far different world, I am certain.