Morning Light
There is a certain time of day when the sun rises high enough in the sky to fill the kitchen, patio and backyard with a warm, golden light. At this time of year it's between 7:30 and 8 AM.
It's so ordinary, you could miss it.
But when I'm paying attention, it lifts my heart. For a few moments, the kitchen's yellow walls glow, the glasses and the Pellegrino bottles sparkle on the open shelves, the magnolia tree stands out in high relief and throws long shadows against the house.
Maira, our little feral friend who lives in our backyard, finds the sunniest spot to warm herself after her cold night outdoors. This is the time of day she presents herself at the back door for petting, and her thick fur is finally warm to the touch.
It's a small moment, yes, but when I take a couple of minutes to stop and notice, fully take it in, feel the warmth of the sun myself, I am better fortified for the day ahead.
Good morning, world.